Thursday, September 14, 2006

[Fashion Design] WWD at Fashion Week, New York


Matthew Williamson
Matthew Williamson is a patterns and prints kind of guy, and in that mode, he sent out a dizzying, kaleidoscopic range of them.

This was hardly the typical young designer collection one is used to seeing in New York.

Ports 1961
For spring, creative director Tia Cibani gave polite chic a touch of exotica.

Richard Chai
"The reality is that I'm an American designer," Richard Chai said days before his show.

"Weightlessness and the gravity of clothing," Tess Giberson said of the collection backstage.

Fashion Scoops: Tyson Beckford
Tyson Beckford, sporting a new 'do, took in the Rosa Cha show on Sunday.

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Posted by Hong Xiaowan to Fashion Design at 9/14/2006 11:07:19 AM

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