Friday, November 10, 2006

[Fashion Design] Socorro here :)

What's the first rule of investing? Buy low sell high!
Yesterday, market forces caused our top pick (EGLY) to close
down on the day. This gives our members the perfect
opportunity to pick some up on the cheap before the big

Ever-Glory International (EGLY)
Current: 0.63
Projected: 1.30
Rating: 5/5
Here's the latest news:

The Relationship between Ever-Glory and Disney's Agent is
going well, with Orders Recorded in Excess of $100,000 for
First Half of 2006.
We believe that having such a relationship with Disney is a
huge window of opportunity which could lead to extremely
large contracts. Go EGLY!

Other news:
Ever-Glory International Group, a multinational enterprise
specializing in garment manufacturing and exports, has
expanded the scope of its business in 2006, wherein the first
half of the year, completed orders from a single customer,
C&A, totaled a staggering US$5.6 Million.
This is just ONE customer! Many others have placed large
orders this quarter.

August 8th - $2mil order from Matalan
July 25th - $500k order from Debenhams
July 10th - $1mil order from OTTO

Please check all these figures with your favorite source.
EGLY is the good deal! We are expecting third quarter
numbers to be out soon and are telling all of our members to
take a position in before the data hits the street. These
fortuitous figures are going to shock the market and send
this one way up!
Give yourself the chance to come out WAY ahead here.
Fortune favors the bold!Also news are
ORLANDO, Florida (AP) -- A fire early Monday destroyed a section of the venerable Gatorland tourist attraction, likely killing four animals. Among the charred areas was its main entrance, a huge concrete alligator mouth.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republicans and Democrats pushed their get-out-the-vote efforts to full throttle and political luminaries hopscotched the nation on behalf of candidates as some polls showed Tuesday's midterm elections tightening.
RIALTO, California (AP) -- A wind-driven wildfire burned 300 acres of brush Monday, torching stacks of pallets in an industrial yard, threatening as many as 100 homes and choking the sky with gray smoke.
CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- New national data show school bus-related accidents send 17,000 U.S. children to emergency rooms each year, more than double the number in previous estimates that only included crashes.

Posted by Hong Xiaowan to Fashion Design at 11/07/2006 09:39:14 AM

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