Wednesday, October 04, 2006

[Fashion Design] WWD at Fashion Week, Paris


Space babes? Robot warriors? Some women couldn't give a hoot. All they want is a pretty dress, nicely worked with a soupcon of feminine je ne sais quoi.

Agnes B
Agnes Trouble celebrated 30 years in the biz for her sportswear brand on Wednesday, accompanied by a solo from the house's rocker-muse Patti Smith.

Dries Van Noten
The setup - dry petals pressed into the invitations and a runway backed by 130,000 pink flowers - promised one of Dries Van Noten's exuberant flights of fancy.

Andrew Gn
Girls, in Andrew Gn's world, want to shine when they get gussied up.

Paris Fashion Week Reviews
From A to Z, a round-up of the latest reviews from Paris Fashion Week.

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Posted by Hong Xiaowan to Fashion Design at 10/04/2006 03:12:58 PM

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